Toshiba has announced to introduce another notebook known as TXW in its Dynabook collection. This Toshiba’s Satellite TXW Dynabook notebook sports 15.4-inch display with 1,280×800 resolution, 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T7400 processor, Nvidia GeForce Go 7600 graphics card, 256MB memory, max 2GB RAM, 120GB hard drive, dual layer DVD super multi drive and a Vista Home Premium. Four USB ports with 802.11b/g wireless, IEEE, Ethernet and stereo speakers are also included.
The corporation has also introduced moderately cheap version of this laptop that comes equipped with 1.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T5500 / 1.86GHz Intel Celeron M 440 processor, 120GB hard drive, 1GB memory and for this you only have to shell somewhere around $1,115 to $1,384 whereas to get superior model like TXW you have to shell from $1,839 to $2,049.Via: Pclaunches
That is why, I love Engadget, and obviously it deserves our love as it has all the latest and greatest news, views and blogs. Today also it has come first with the details of the new successor from the Raon Digital Vega, the Everun, which has just been rolled out, once again with a unique approach to design, which is a out of the ordinary keyboard that makes it look as if some sort of fancy medical or military device.
Anyway the rumor is fully rife and I too have confirmed its existence on the Internet, so don’t get confused. With a name like that, the Everun is making a battery life claim: 7 hours, in actual fact, which is almost double several of its rivals. And I think this has been made possible, conceivably, by picking of a slow and low-power Geode 600MHz CPU.
Apart from all that it features hard-drive and flash-based options and is consisted with a 4.8″ 800×480 screen, WiFi, Bluetooth and built-in HSDPA cellular networking. It weighs 1.1 lbs (500g). No word on its pricing but is most likely to be delivered in middle of July.
Now let’s take a look at some of its great specs:
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